Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's not easy being Green

Tina is now 22 weeks along and really starting to show. We have finished painting the nursery a nice shade of green that isn't at all bright,and can now start putting in furniture and decorations. I foresee the Hill family doing our part to help the world financial crisis by stimulating the Swedish economy in the next few months, through multiple trips to IKEA.

On the cultural front, Tina has already started the corruption of our child. She and her mother went to a Celine Dion concert on Thursday. Tina told me she could tell the baby was enjoying the show because of all the motion she could feel, I like to think that my baby was showing some taste and trying to get out of there.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Baby movements

Well, it's official. There is a baby in there moving all around. It is the coolest thing to watch and feel. It didn't take long after I started feeling it before Paul could join in on the fun. Last night we had quite the rodeo and Paul got to feel a lot of it. This morning after Paul went to work, I could watch the belly move. I'm starting to think that the 5 months of morning sickness just might be worth it. Maybe I do like this pregnancy thing after all. :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Who are you little baby?

We have successfully entered into our fifth month. The doctor says the baby is growing well and developing everything that should be developing right now. At the ultrasound we saw femurs, toes, fingers, kidneys, a heart, brain, eyeballs. Yup, we saw a lot. However, when it came time to see the was shy. Baby had legs crossed and tucked in hiding what it has every right to cover. It's silly how we are asking the baby to show us what we will later require the baby to keep covered. So, here we are with a white room, no baby clothes, and trying to figure out how much gender neutral stuff to buy.

On another note, I have been promoted at my job! I am now the head of reception and "nurses" at the animal hospital that I work at. So far the job has been fairly manageable. I have hired two new employees, and trained one that was hired at the same time as my promotion. I am very excited for the team that I have and feel like we are on a great path for success. Paul has been plugging along at his job, not much has changed there. Bruno (our puppy) is almost a year old and can't wait for the baby.

That's all for now. I promise there are pictures to come.